
The SwiTCh Team

A multidisciplinary team of researchers to improve urban mobility


The consortium is composed of 5 research laboratories from different domains (engineering, geography-urban planning, computer science, etc.) :

RECOVER/IRSTEA: The RECOVER team gathers researchers with multidisciplinary skills in environmental sciences, engineering, ecology and decision support systems, to study the interactions between natural and manmade systems for risk management. The team aims at developing knowledge, methods, tools and information systems to analyse risks and vulnerabilities in order to create an integrated management system for hydraulic works, territories and their ecosystems. The involved researchers have a strong expertise in decision-making for infrastructure management in uncertain contexts.

I2M/GCE: The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (GCE) of the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering Bordeaux (I2M) deals with various issues related to the field of Civil Engineering. It develops research on engineering respecting two key elements: (a) a very strong interdisciplinarity, combining various approaches (physical modelling and decision support) and dealing with problems on a wide variety of scales; (b) the constant concern to build a continuous and balanced chain, from the knowledge and the modelling of the phenomena/mechanisms involved upstream to pre-operational conclusions, which can be seized by users (industrialists, engineering offices, real property managers, etc.). The GCE team participation in numerous national and international projects demonstrates its deep involvement in the civil engineering field.

LIG/HAwAI: The LIG-HAwAI team (Human Aware Artificial Intelligence) is focused on creating socially relevant multi-agent systems that solve real-world problems and enrich society. HAwAI was previously known as MAGMA, one of the oldest multi-agent systems teams in France. HAwAI is part of the 23 teams that make up the Grenoble Informatics Laboratory (LIG), one of the largest computer science research laboratories in France. The HAwAI team extends the notion of an agent-based society away from a collection of purely computational entities, to one that is composed of different types of agents, both human and artificial, interacting in mutually beneficial ways. In particular, the team is focused on modelling social interactions and simulating human behaviours. Through agent based simulation the team has previously looked at analysing human mobility and crowd movements in earthquakes (ANR-LIBRIS, VUSIM AMD, ARC7 MIMICS, IXXI MUDAMO), in floods (CNRS MAGIL, IDEX CDP RISK), and in bushfires (AGIR-SWIFT), with a focus on human factors such as emotions, cognitive biases or social attachment.

IRIT/SMAC: The Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems (SMAC) team of the Institute of Research in Computer Science of Toulouse (IRIT) is one of the most important teams in Europe working on Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), with applications in industry as well as research projects ranging from optimization to user profiling, including agent-based social simulation (ABSS). In particular, the researchers involved in the SwITCh project have a strong experience in ABSS in a multidisciplinary context. They are involved in several important research projects and teaching on the subject. They work on elaborated architectures for the design of realistic behaviours (ANR-ACTEUR), on the generation of synthetic populations (ANR-Genstar) as well as on the modelling and analysis of networks dynamics using Time-Varying Graphs and MAS.

ThéMA/MCT: The ThéMA/MCT team endeavours to understand the spatial dynamics and structural links between accessibility, mobility and distribution of activities. The SwITCh project could benefit from their previous results and methodology of two projects. The first one concerns the Miro platform, which combines activity theory with an agent based model. The second one concerns the Mobisim Project. This Land Use Transport Integrated Platform simulates and analyses geographical daily and residential mobility dynamics. It supports decision-making for sustainable planning of French and European cities.



Franck Sfiligoï Taillandier (Project coordinator) : Reasearcher HDR in Decision aiding

Corinne Curt : Reasearcher Engineer HDR in Decision aiding

Pascal Di Maiolo : Engineer in Risk Management

Pénélope Brueder : Intern in Environmental Social Psychology


Cédric Baudrit : Reasearcher HDR in Knowledge management

Sidi Mohammed Elachachi : Professor in Civil engineerinf

Christophe Fernandez : Computer scientist

Colin Lashermes : Intern in Cognitive science


Carole Adam : Assistant professor in Artificial Intelligence

Julie Dugdale : Assistant professor HDR in Artificial Intelligence

Alice Jacquier : Intern in Computer science


Thomas Thévenin : Professor in geography

Jean-Philippe Antoni: Professor in geography

Marion Lamiral : PhD in geography


Frédéric Amblard : Professor in Artificial Intelligence

Benoit Gaudou : Assistant professor HDR in Artificial Intelligence

Nicolas Verstaevel : Assistant professor in Artificial Intelligence

Elsy Kaddoum : Assistant professor in Artificial Intelligence

Damien Vergnet : PhD Student in Artificial Intelligence

Invités exceptionnels :

Patrick Taillandier : Resaercher HDR in Artificial Intelligence

Nicolas Marilleau : Resaercher HDR in Artificial Intelligence

Modification date: 17 August 2023 | Publication date: 02 March 2020 | By: redacteur de la rubrique